1. The Canadian Diabetes Prevention Program (CDPP) is no longer recruiting new participants. Thank you to all those participating in the program. We anticipate the study results will be published in 2024. More information about the results of the study will be found at http://www.lmc.ca/diabetes-prevention as it becomes available.
  2. For all those currently enrolled in the CDPP, there will be no changes to your enrollment.

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Please fill out the following information to assess your eligibility

Learn more about the program

Gender is required.
Postal code is required.

Your postal code will allow us to confirm whether the program is available in your area


Please note: If you are not sure about any question, please consult your doctor before answering


Please note: If you are not sure about any question, please consult your doctor before answering


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In order to proceed, you must accept the terms and conditions.

All information we collect is kept strictly confidential and will not be used or sold for marketing purposes

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Your CANRISK Score

0 20 40 60 80 100

What does this score mean?

You’re at Low risk

Explore other opportunities that may benefit you.

CANRISK scores are in no way a substitute for actual clinical diagnosis. If you have any concerns, please consider discussing your results with a health care provider (e.g. family doctor, nurse practitioner, and pharmacist).

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First Name is required.
Last Name is required.
Your email address is required.
Passwords must be at least 8 characters with at least one upper and lower case letters and one number.

Password must contain at least:

  • 1 uppercase character
  • 1 lowercase character
  • 1 number
  • Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters in length
The password did not match

You do not qualify for the program


How to measure your waist?

  1. Use a tape measure
  2. Remove clothing from your waist line.
  3. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart (25 to 30 centimetres or 10 to 12 inches) and back straight.
  4. Locate the top of the hip bone. This is the part of the hip bone at the side of the waist not at the front of the body. Use the area between the thumb and index finger to feel for the hip bone at the side of the waist.
  5. Align the bottom edge of the measuring tape with the top of the hip bone. Wrap the tape measure all the way around the waist. <br />Ensure that the tape measure is parallel to the floor and not twisted.
  6. Take two normal breaths and on the exhale of the second breath tighten the tape measure so it is snug but not digging into the skin.
  7. Take the measure of the waist to the nearest 0.5 cm (1/4 inch).

A healthier life style starts here

A 12 month digital coaching program that empowers you to lead a healthier life and reduce your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Our program will help you live better and feel better with our one-on-one health coaching tools and resources. More info

Not your average prevention program

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